We at Shipshape Urban Farms (SUF) understand that making a purchase of our farms are a big decision. We would like to assist you by offering some different options we have found. Please note that we are not recommending any of these options but suggest that you research each thoroughly on your
own. Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus there may be additional funding options being made available by state and federal agencies in the near future. As soon as we receive that information we will forward it and post it on our website.
I. Grants
A. Private Local Foundation
B. Community Foundations
C. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) www.usda.gov
D. USDA Rural Development www.rd.usd.gov
E. Beginning Farmers www.beginningfarmers.org
F. Food & Nutrition Service (FNS) www.fsa.usda.gov
G. State Agriculture Departments
II. Loans
A. Conventional Bank Loans
B. Small Business Administration (SBA) www.sba.gov
III. Other Options
A. Aggie Bonds www.stateagfinance.org
B. Leasing (through local banks)
We have found several articles that may be helpful for you. Please read and use the information as an aid only. We definitely recommend that you seek professional advice before making a decision. As we learn of other options we will be glad to pass that information to you along with links to their web sites.